September 2, 2010

Light Hearts

Woohoo!  21%!
The past few days have been just great for Andrew, and for mom and dad too.  Andrew's had no significant spells since switching to the cannula, his oxygen requirements have been great - even spending part of the time at 21% (same as you and I), and pretty much in the 20's at all times.  The have turned his flow down to 4 already too!  The nurses say his lung xrays are looking clearer, and he seems like a happier baby without all the equipment.

I am cute!

I like to stick out my tongue (and love that there are no
tubes in my mouth!)

It's hard to be me sometimes!
He really is beginning to look and act more like a baby too - more alert, crying when he is bothered (not too much though!), looking for his mouth with his fingers, and even sucking on them when he is successful!  This is all good news, and has made the past few days so much fun!  J and I have both had moments where we were at peace with everything that has happened, and really can begin to imagine having him home and integrated into our lives even more.  We've also had moments where we are just cracking up at his funny faces that he makes.  If we weren't stuck in the NICU, this is how I imagined my first days as a mother - quiet moments rocking my child, singing songs, marveling at each new thing he accomplishes.

Dad relaxes as Andrew checks
out the world
We've spent lots of time holding and kangarooing him, and he is tolerating the attention very well.  I gave him his first bath in the "tub" yesterday, which he loved too!  We can't wait until this can happen in our own home!  He even had a repeat eye exam on Tuesday, and had a very good day afterwards - vastly different from the week before.  His eye exam showed no progression of the ROP - it is still holding at level 2, which is good.  He's also been putting on weight a little more consistently - he's up to 1540 grams - 3 lbs, 6 oz. 

Our hearts are light.  We couldn't be more proud of our little man.  We know things can take a change for the worse at any time (that dang NICU roller coaster) and we are in for more challenges in the coming weeks, but we will ride this wave as long as we can, and enjoy the amazing progress Andrew has made this week.
Sleepy boy
Bath time!  Exccccelent!
When I look at this picture, I remember
how small he still is!  Peanut!


Anonymous said...

I really love these pictures, especially the one of him expressing how hard it is to be Andrew. We're so happy that he is having these great days and look forward to when I am having to warn him about getting Avery back home on time.

Quintin and Robin

Jane said...

I spy some chub on his cheeks! It is so rewarding to see Andrew grow before our eyes. Amazing! Life is amazing. Keep on keeping on Andrew!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you guys!! He has come such a long way and believe it or not he will be home with you soon and the NICU will all be in the past...I can't wait to finally meet him! Keep it up Andrew!!

Beth said...

He looks like he is getting a little belly. What great progress.

jackie said...

This is so amazing. I was thinking before I read your comment that he does look like a baby - full out, fun, fussy and all the great stuff that comes with it. I am so happy for you all and can't believe what a difference a week can make. Love you - Jackie

Unknown said...

So many fun pictures -- thanks for sharing!! Love the one of him sticking out his tongue! So stinkin cute!

Tina said...

He looks so cute in his clothes :) I'm glad he gets all of the equipment off and that hes gaining weight. Keep up the good work, Andrew!

Anonymous said...

"It is hard to be me" comment cracked me up. :-) enjoy reading the posts. thanks for the status updates. and yes. he does look cute. - KB