September 4, 2010


No, not coming home yet, but the surprises keep coming!  Here's his new milestone from last night! Who knew we be excited about more shit?!?

Moved from xs preemie diapers to the
"normal" preemie diaper size!
And, just a few cute pictures from the last few days.  Not much else to report, which is good news.  He hasn't had any big spells since switching to the nasal cannula, which we are happy about.  He's up to 3 1/2 pounds, and now getting 8.5 ml/hour of milk.

I love my hands by my face when I sleep.

I can hold my paci all by myself!  (And, I went up
a size in that too!)
Wide awake, waiting to do some kangaroo care with
Sleepy snuggle with Daddy


jackie said...

Too cute! He is doing so well. Love the pic with his hands under his head. Love to you all!

Beth said...

Love it! So great to see you guys this weekend.